Children will love reading and singing along in both English and Maori to these favourite and familiar songs with a Kiwi twist. Five bestsellers in one bumper hardback compendium!
- The Kiwi Hokey Tokey
- The Kiwi Go Marching One By One
- Row, Kiwi, Row Your Boat
- 10 Kooky Kiwi
- If You’re a Kiwi and You Know It!
Authors (Various): Peter Millet, Lynette Evens and P Crumble; Illustrators: Deborah Hinde and Stevie Mahardhika; Translation: Te Reo Māori Ngaere Roberts
Hardback 245x255 172 pages
Songs can be streamed or downloaded at https://www.scholastic.co.nz/kapai